My mom often made Aunt Sandy's favorite salad for special dinners, like Christmas. Here, I've updated it. I love this dressing; I keep it in a bottle in the fridge (shake well before using).
Into a large salad bowl, rip Romaine leaves into bite-sized pieces.
(When I was a kid, we'd make the salad and toss it with the dressing in a bowl. Serving "salad bar style" makes any leftovers easier...and guests appreciate building their own salad.)
In small bowls, place croutons, chopped scallions, bacon crumbles, and cheese. Have your favorite salad fixings on hand, if you like: chopped tomatoes, dried cranberries, feta cheese, olives...anything that will play nicely with a lemony dressing.
In a salad dressing carafe or medium bowl, combine lemon juice, oil, water, EggBeater, pepper, salt, and oregano. Add just a drop of mint extract, or shred a few mint leaves from the garden. Whisk vigorously if you're using a bowl. If you're assembling the dressing in a carafe, put the lid on and shake well.
Let guests build their own salads.